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Zurvān (Persian: زوروان) is the Avestan and Persian word of "Time". Also refers to the personification of the hermaphroditic omnipotent deity of space-time and creation; in both Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism.



Zurvan has been existing even before Zoroastrism, but the information about Zurvan pre-zoroastrim is very null.


In Zoroastian Persia, Zurvan was adopted by some Zoroastrians in an extinct sect called Zurvanism, in this religion Zurvan was both the father and mother of Ahura Mazda and Ahriman, in Zurvanism he is the main god and the most powerful being in the cosmos, in ours days Zurvanism doesn´t exist but leave an important legacy in actual Zoroastrianism, so the Zurvanist creation myth is now a part of the Mazdeism.


In Manichaeism, Zurvan is called the Father of Greateness and is the main god of this religion, he also was the of light and the spirits , but not the god of matter, Zurvan is a benevolent deity rather than a neutral deity, as a good deity Zurvan can neither make danger to people nor cause diseases, his antitesis is the Prince of Darkness who is an evil god like Angra Mainyu, in Manichaeism, Zurvan is not omnipotent, he is also the Jesus´s father.


Abilities and Powers[]

  • Absolute destruction
  • Creation and destruction embodiment
  • Elemental manipulation
  • Light and darkness embodiment
    • Twilight manipulation
  • Meta space-time embodiment
    • Destiny manipulation
    • Meta space-time manipulation
      • Higher-dimensional manipulation
        • Higher-spatial manipulation
        • Higher-temporal manipulation
  • Omnificence
  • Solid-matter manipulation
  • Spatio-temporal omnipotence
    • Spatio-temporal lock
      • Spatio-temporal transcendence
        • Dimensional transcendence
    • Spatio-temporal omniscience
  • True omnipresence
    • Spatial presence
    • Temporal presence

Conditions and Status[]

  • Absolute condition
  • Godhood of creation and destruction
  • Primordial godhood

Moral alignments[]

  • Blue and orange mortality
  • Omnineutrality


  • Father of Greatness
  • The First Princepal
  • The Monad


  • Infiniteness
  • Principalship


External links[]
