Myth and Folklore Wiki

Ledger artwork by Lakota artist Black Hawk representing a dream of a thunder being. c.1880

The Sioux or Oceti Sakowin are groups of Native American tribes and First Nations peoples in North America. The modern Sioux consist of two major divisions based on language divisions: the Dakota and Lakota.

The term "Sioux" is an exonym created from a French transcription of the Ojibwe term "Nadouessioux", and can refer to any ethnic group within the Great Sioux Nation or to any of the nation's many language dialects.

Sioux mythology is the body of myths and legends that belong to the Lakota and Dakota peoples.


Wakan is a Sioux concept, referring to the spirit of all things and their energy. In this symbol, a man calls upon the wakan spirits (which may be good, or bad) using a hand gesture. The Sioux mythology states that all things are ultimately connected as one spirit (Wakan Tanka).

Folk Heroes and Characters[]

Nature Spirits and Monsters[]

Legendary Places[]

  • Happy hunting ground
  • Sky-Road