Shango is the orisha of thunder, lightning, fire, justice, dance, and virility in the Yoruba religion. In the American contnent, Shango is syncretized with Saint Barbara, Saint Jerome, and Saint Michael the Archangel.
Orisha of fire and thunder, Shango is said to be one of the royal ancestors of the Yoruba people, as he was the third or fouth Alaafin of the Oyo Kingdom (following Oranmiyan and Ajaka) before his posthumous deification.
Unlike his peaceful brother, Ajaka, Shango was a powerful, violent, strong, courageous, fearless and fair ruler who reigned for seven years marked by his continuous campaigns and many battles. He was feared and at the same time adored. He sometimes behaved like a tyrant, due to his desire for power, even going so far as to dethrone his own brother, to satisfy his desire. His reign ended due to the inadvertent destruction of his palace by lightning.
It was he who created the egungum cult. Many orishas have a relationship with the egunguns, but he is the only one who truly exercises power over the dead, egungum.
Shango has numerous manifestations, including Airá, Agodo, Afonja, Lubé and Obomin. He is known for his powerful double axe, Oṣè. He is regarded as one of the most powerful rulers Yorubaland has ever produced.