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Riðill (anglicised as Ridill) is a sword which was in the dwarf Reginn's possession in Norse mythology.

Under the guidance of Reginn, Sigurðr slays Fáfnir, Reginn's older brother who murdered their father Hreiðmarr and transformed himself into a dragon to monopolise all treasures. According to Poetic Edda, Reginn used Riðill to rip out the dragon's heart. However in the Vǫlsunga saga, it was Sigurðr who cut out the heart with the sword at that occasion.[1]

Þá skar Sigurðr hjartat ór orminum með því sverði, er Riðill hét. Þá drakk Reginn blóð Fáfnis ok mælti: "Veit mér eina bæn, er þér er lítit fyrir: Gakk til elds með hjartat ok steik ok gef mér at eta."[2]

Therewith Sigurd cut out the heart of the worm with the sword called Ridil; but Regin drank of Fáfnir's blood, and spake, "Grant me a boon, and do a thing little for thee to do. Bear the heart to the fire, and roast it, and give me thereof to eat."[3]

Incidentally, the sword is called Refil in the Skáldskaparmál, written by Snorri Sturluson.

In popular culture[]

  • Riðill is classified as the Class Champion Weapons in the video game Granblue Fantasy.
  • Riðill and Hrotti are wielded by Saber/Sigurðr along with another two unnamed daggers in Fate/Grand Order.



  1. Byock, Jesse L. Saga of the Volsungs. University of california Press, 1990, p. 65
  2. Völsunga saga at
  3. Völsunga saga chapter 19, online with the translation by Eiríkr Magnússon and William Morris from Völsunga Saga: The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs, with certain Songs from the Elder Edda, ed. H. Halliday Sparling, London: Scott, [1888] at
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