Prince of Darkness is the anthesis of Father of Greatness in the Manicheis Cosmogony, he is the evil god and leader of demons, besides the Prince of Darkness born in the fusion between the five archons (demon, dragon, eagle, fish and lion), in a point the Prince assault the World of Ligth but conquer it, besides the Prince of Darkness is the father of the two demons Sakla and Nebroel.
According to San Agustin, the concept manicheist was dualistic where the Prince of Darkness was both the god of matter and evil, being also the responsible of many negative elements, meanwhile the Father of Greateness was the god of spirit and Goodness, the father never could do harm to the humanity.
Alternatives names[]
The Prince of Darkness had many names in diferent parts of the world, like Satanas, Ancient Iblis, Ahriman and Sms by the old Uigures.
In morden times the name Prince of Darkness is use as title for Satan and Lucifer.