Paris was the son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. His famous elopement with Helen sparked the War that was the downfall of his homeland. He was originally married to Oenone, a nymph. He avenged the death of his eldest brother, Hector, by killing Achilles with a arrow to the heel (guided by Apollo, who himself avenged the death of his son King Tenes of Tenedos). Later in the war, Paris was killed by Helen's former husband, Menelaus.
When Paris was born, either his mother Hecuba or sister Cassandra, had a dream in which the city of Troy was on fire. They prophesised Paris would ultimately doom the land to destruction. Priam, not having the heart to kill his own son, sent a shepherd to take him into the wilderness and abandon him. The shepherd, also not wanting to kill the baby, raised him as his own. During a wrestling competition, Paris bested his brother Deiphobus, who was previously undefeated. When Hecuba and Priam saw him, he was instantly recognised and accepted regardless of the prophecy.