Myth and Folklore Wiki

Pal Rai Yuk or Tizheruk is a sea monster described as some form of large serpent-like creature that lurks in the waters off the coast of Alaska and terrorizes the locals. This creature has an assortment of strange features. For example, it has three pairs of legs which end in mammalian paws, two heads resembling those of a fox, a twin tail, short horns, three stomachs, thick fur, a long tongue, a tail resembling either that of a fish or a dolphin’s fluke, and a serrated ridge which runs the length of its back complete with a trio of dorsal fins. Not only does the Pal Rai Yuk have a strange appearance, it also has strange hunting habits too. It is said to be carnivorous and likes to rear the front seven or eight feet of its heavy body out of the water only to crash down on the kayaks used by many of the natives. Pal Rai Yuk is said to possibly eat fish and people with its chameleon-like tongue and its sharp fangs. Inuktituts can also summon Pal Rai Yuk by tapping the bottoms of their kayaks or canoes.
