Myth and Folklore Wiki
Myth and Folklore Wiki

Péh₂usōn was the Proto-Indo-European Pastoral God of protection specifically guarding roads and herds and fertility. Presumably he could be a son of Dyēus and brother of H₂éwsōs, Divine Twins, Perkʷūnos, Seh₂ul and Meh₁not. He was the ancestor of such deities like Hermes and Mercury.



Presumably the planet of Péh₂usōn was Mercury because many Indo-Europeans deities were related with this planet like Hermes, Mercury and Odin. Even many non Proto-Indo-European Deities had Mercury as the planet for Nabu, Tauutus, and Turms.

As protector[]

The Vedic God Pushan was a protector of humanity, curiously Hermes in some myths protect heroes from different situations.

Hermes and Pan[]

Hermes and Pan were the same god, because both deities has some elements in common, Pan is older than Hermes, therefore it's very possible that Hermes could have been a title for Pan. This theory is supported since in older depictions Hermes was represented as an old man with a beard which resembles Pan, besides this the herms were some statues dedicated to Hermes which were also a fertility symbol.

This is very important because Pan is related with fertility but not Hermes, and the latter has snakes as his symbol, which symbolizes the earth, and Pan was an Earth deity.



Hermes, and Mercury were demonized into the Demon Theutus, and the classical image of Pan is used to represent Satan.

Popular Culture[]

  • Hermes is a recurring character in Hercules (1997 film) and The series of the same name.
    • Pan was a minor antagonist in the series made by Disney
  • Both Hermes and Mercury are Personas in the video games series Persona.
  • Hermes is a support character in the video game Hades.
  • Loki is an important character in Marvel Comics
  • In the Canadian series Class of titans Hermes is the mentor of Odie.
    • Pan was an episodic antagonist.
  • In the series Ragnarok Loki is the co-protagonist.
  • In DC comics the Superheroes Shazam has his power from different gods, Mercury being one of them.


The Planet mercury was named after the Roman god of the same name.
