This page contains even more pictures for the Orc page, organized by what media the image is associated with.
Artist's rendering of a Orc in Middle-earth.
Artist's rendering of a Orc in Middle-earth.
Artist's rendering of a Orc in Middle-earth.
"Spells are Hard" by Orc in Justin Gerard (2014).
Uruk-Hhai a type of Orc in Middle-Earth Lord of the Rings.
Orc in Dragonfyre. (2013 film)
Orc in Warcraft (2016 film).
Orc in Warcraft (2016 film).
Orc in Dragon Lore: Curse of the Shadow. (2013 film)
Gundabad Orcs in THE HOBBIT: Unexpected Journey (2012 film), The Desolation of Smaug (2013 film), and The Battle of the Five Armies (2014 film).
Orc in The Return of the King (1980 film)
Orc in Dungeons and Dragons. (cartoon)
Orc in Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated. (cartoon)
Anime and manga[]
Orcs in Sword Art Online.
Orc in Kemono Michi: Rise Up.
Orc in And You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online?.
Tabletop games[]
Orc in Dungeons & Dragons
Miniature games[]
Orruk Warclans from Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.
Orks (or Orkz) from Warhammer 40,000.
Warboss Beast during the War of the Beast.
Video games[]
Orcs also known as Orimer from the Elder Scrolls series.
Orc in World of Warcraft.
Orc in Dragon's Dogma Online.
Orc in Call of Warhammer.
Anglo-Saxon Paganism- Elves, ents, orcs and temples