Myth and Folklore Wiki
Myth and Folklore Wiki
Mysia map ancient community

Mysia in Anatolia

The Mysians were a peoples of Anatolia who lived near the Troad


  1. Teucrius, son of Macestus, a river-god
  2. Teleutas, son of Teucrius
  3. Teuthras, son of Teleutas, son-in-law of Aleus of Arcadia
  4. Telephus, adopted son of Teuthras and Auge, son of Heracles
  5. Arsinoos, son of Teuthras
  6. Chromius, son of Arsinoos, led the Mysians in support of Troy during the War
  7. Ennomus, son of Arsinoos, led the Mysians in support of Troy during the War
