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Myth and Folklore Wiki
600px-Dish Thetis Peleus Louvre CA2569

Peleus captures Thetis as his bride

The Myrmidons were the Achaeans who lived in Phthia and the kingdom of Thessaly. Achilles came from Phthia, and his father Peleus was king of the Myrmidons during, and still after, the Trojan War.

Rulers in Greek Mythology[]

  • Myrmidon, son of Zeus and Eurymedusa
  • Actor, son of Myrmidon and Peisidice
  • Eurytion , son of Actor and was acidently killed by Peleus
  • Peleus, son of King Aeacus of Aegina, married Thetis , the immortal Halia
  • Neoptolemus, son of Achilles and Deidamia, daughter of King Lycomedes of Scyros, grandson of Peleus, also known as Pyrrhus
  • Molossus, son of Neoptolemus, also King of Epirus and Iolcus

See also[]
