Myth and Folklore Wiki

Manu (Man) and Yemo (Twin) are the primordial humans duo, in this myth Manu sacrificie his twin (Yemo) with the porpuse of created the universe,

however in some hypothesis Manu could have been a hermaphrodite, that when sacrfice himself provoke the bird of the humanity, both Many and Yemo was raised by the primordial mammal (which was presumably a cow), mythycal characters that descent of Manu and Yemos being some examples are the Germanics Mannus and Hymir, the Roman Romulus and Remus, even the Celtics Amergin Glúingel and Dôn.


Three fundations[]

For Lincoln, Manu and Yemo are the main protagonist of the creation indo-European myth, "they being who later function, establishing the model for later priests and kings", meanwhile the myth of Trita is the slaying of the serpent is presumably being the victory of the Indo-European Peoples over a Non-Indo-European Peoples or the order over the chaos.

After of Manu and Yemo, come *Trito ('Third') who slayed the sea serpent *H₂n̥gʷʰis, this event is the order over the chaos or the victory of the Indo-European Peoples over to Non-Indo-European Peoples.

Linguistic evidence[]

The myth of *Manu ("Man") and *Yemo ("Twin") is the creation of the Indo-European cosmology, the myth tells how Man (Manu) sacrifices his own Twin (Yemo), but there exists the possibility that Manu sacrifices himself (so Manu will be the primordial hermaphrodite), after the sacrifice humanity is born, besides Yemo when die become into the first king. Other important elements for Indo-European mythology is the first mammal who raised Manu and Yemo when these were in the primordial void.

Curiously the idea of the Primeval Hermaphrodite can seen in the Orphic Religion with the deity Phanes, but the role of the primordial mammal is share by Cretan Bull and Pandora, other examples of Manu and Yemo will come the myth about foundation of Rome where the twins Romulus and Remus were menial by Lupa.

Indo-European linguistic descendants (in bold) and thematic echoes (in italic) of the creation myth.
Tradition First Priest First King First mammal Heavenly gods
Proto-Indo-European *Manu ('Man') *Yemo ('Twin') Primordial cow Sky Father, Storm-god, Divine Twins
Indian Mánu, Puruṣa Yama, (Manāvī), (Tvastar) Manu's bull (Kamadhenu) The Vedic gods
Iranian Manūščihr, Ahriman, Spityura Yima, Gayōmart Primordial ox (Gōšūrvan) Ahura Mazda?
Greek Phanes, Erichthonius Cronus, Rhadamanthys, Menelaus Pandora, Cretan Bull Twelve Olympians
Germanic *Mannus Ymir, *Tuisto Primordial cow (Auðhumla) Odin, Vili and Vé
Roman Rōmulus, Quirinus, Numa Pompilius *Yemos (Remus) She-wolf The senators
Celtic Amergin Gluingel Donn Donn Cuailnge and Findbennach Ai Tuatha De Danann

The slayer *Trito ('Third') is the hero but also is who killed the sea serpent for make the correct form of sacrifice before the gods.

Indo-European linguistic descendants (in bold) and thematic echoes (in italic) of the myth of the First Warrior.
Tradition First warrior Three-headed Serpent Helper God Stolen present
Proto-Indo-European *Trito ('Third') *H₂n̥gʷʰis Storm-God or *H₂nḗr ('Man') Cattle
Indian Tritra Vritra Indra Cows
Iranni Thraētona ('son of Thrita') Zahhak Verethragna Women
Germanic þriði, Hymir Three serpents Thor Goats?
Graeco-Roman Alcides Geryon, Cācus, Hydra Helios (Sol) Cattle


Non-Indo-European Manu and Yemo?[]

If even the myth of Manu and Yemo is clearly a Indo-European Myth exist some myths from Non-Indo-European Peoples that are similar to the myth of Manu and Yemo, some examples are myth and stories from Afroasiatic Peoples or many others.

The "Manu an Yemo" from Non-IndoEuropean stories
Tradition "Manu" "Yemos" "First mammal" "Heavenly Gods"
Abrahmic Cain Abel Bull Idol? Elohim-YHWH
Egyptian Set Osiris Eye of Ra (Hathor) Ennead
Japanese Izanagi Izanami Nine Tails Fox Kotoamatsukami
Sumerian Inanna Ereshkigal Bull of Heaven Anunakis

Indo-Iranni creation myth[]

In the Indo-Iranni creation myth is where clearer is reflected the Indo-European heritage, so in the Vedic mythology Manu is the father of the humanity who was saved from of a great flood, meanwhile Yama when die become into the god of Underworld, the name Yama is derived directly from Yemo (Twin), curiously Yama had a twin sister call Yamuna which is cognate with other Indo-European deities like Hymir.

And the Pre-zoroastrian persia, Yima was originally the first king, besides the daeva Ahriman was the first priest, this is evidenced due to the winters was not very common in the Persian Gulf, and instead if was common a flood, and not to mention that in the Zorastrian tradition still exist some prestige like the primordial Ox (that is clearly an Indo-European element), but also the die of the first human Gayōmart which brought the birth of the humanity.

Other element Indo-European present in the Zoroastrism is Thraētona, so etymologically his name comes from Trito; besides be the slayer of Zahhak.


The Motif of Manu and Yemo is the great influence of the Indo-Europeans relgions, being present in the cosmogony from diferents Peoples like Greeks, Romans. Celtics, , Slavics, Germanics, Aryans, Persas and even some Afroasiatic and Sino-Tibetan Peoples like the hebrews via iranni influence or chineses for via budhism.

In the Orphic Religion Phanes (Manu) was eaten by Zeus, after that of his dead born Zagreus who later will be killed by the titans, Zeus when become the titans into dust, Zeus use the dust from the titans for crated the humanity, meanwhile Cronus (Yemo) become into the first king when dethroned his father Uranus, if even Phanes and Cronus are not etymologically related to Manu and Yemo them role in the Greek mythology are similar to the primordial Indo-European duo.

In the Proto-Latin both Romulus and Remus come from *Yemo[no]s, curiously the roman god Quirinus has his origin in *wihₓrós ('hombre').
