Myth and Folklore Wiki

Jophiel also know as Jofiel, Joriel, Iophiel, Iophiel, Yophiel or Yofiel is the angel of wisdom, understanding and judgment from the Christian mythology.



the name Jophiel is confort by Yōp̄ī (beauty) and el (god) both being hebrew words, so Jophiel means "Beauty of God", however Jophiel also has other names like Zophiel "God is my watchman" and Zuriel "God is my rock", but in the reveletion of Moses Jophiel is call Dina that means Judgement in Hebrew.


In the reveletion of Moses Jophiel/Dina is described as an angel of the seventh heaven, being a guardian of the Torah (Wisdom itself) in the Cabalistic cosmogony, she was who taught 70 languages to souls at the dawn of creation. In Zohar Jophiel is a great angel chief in charge of 53 legions who superintend Torah-readings during the Sabbath. He in some sources is a companion to the angel Metatron.

The American Author and Traveler C. E. Clement mentions that Jophiel is the Teacher of Ham, Japheth, and Shem. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa and Thomas Rudd, besides she is teacher of Sem too.

In the Anglicanism Jophiel has in its iconography holding the flaming sword.

Popular culture[]


In the book Angles of Love and Ligth, she is described as the Archangel of Paraside, but also as the patron of artis and ilumination. She teach external consciousness of power of the ligth within oneself, she is also described as a lightning yellow of wisdom, awareness and and lists her arcangelina as Christine also says:

She stirs feelings through the radiation of illumination and in aspiration for spiritual things. It helps in absorbing information, studying and passing exams, dissolving ignorance, pride and narrow-mindedness, and exposing irregularities in governments and corporations. Jofiel helps in the fight against pollution, cleaning our planet and brings humanity the gift of beauty. It is also a source of inspiration for artistic and intellectual thinking providing help with artistic projects and seeing the beautiful things around us.

Jophiel is mentioned in John Milton´s Paradise Lost as a as the “cherubim with the swiftest wings.”

Zophiel is a topic of María Gowen Brooks´s poem.

Movies and series[]

  • Jophiel is a secondary villain in the movie Hellraiser: Judgement.
  • Jophiel is a minor character in ther Netflix´s series Lucifer.
  • The Character Craftmanship of Queerness from Shakugan no Shana use the name Jophiel as his alias.


Jophiel is a character from Star Ocean The Second Story R.
