This page contains even more pictures for the Hymiskviða page, organised by what media the image is associated with.
Mythology and folklore[]
Archaelogical records[]
Icelandic manuscripts[]
Thor and Jörmungandr
by Johann Heinrich Fussli
A statue depicts Þórr's fishing in Stockholm, Sweden.
Faroese stamps[]
Educational manhwa[]
Thor Fishes for the Serpent
Hymiskviða (complete) in Old Norse and English.
The origin of Thor and the Midgard Serpent - An Indo European Warrior Myth
Hymiskviða Part I- Onward from Asgard - Hymir's Kettle
Hymiskviða Part II- Fishing with Frost Giants - Hymir's Kettle
Hymiskviða Part III- Ölkjól - Hymir's Kettle