Vǫlsungakviða in forna or Helgakviða Hundingsbana II ("The Second Lay of Helgi Hundingsbane") is an Old Norse poem found in the Poetic Edda. It constitutes one of the Helgi lays together with Helgakviða Hundingsbana I and Helgakviða Hjǫrvarðssonar.
Henry Adams Bellows maintains in his commentaries that it is a patchwork of various poems that do not fit well together, but stanzas 28-37 and 39-50 are held to be among the finest in Old Norse poetry.
The feud with Hundingr and his sons[]
The first section (containing stanzas 1 to 4) introduces Helgi as the son of Sigmundr, of the Ylfingr and the Vǫlsungr clan, and Borghildr. They resided at Brálundr and they named their son after Helgi Hjǫrvarðsson. Their clan was in a bloody feud with Hundingr and his many sons.
Helgi disguised himself and visited the home of Hundingr's family where the only man present was Hundingr's son Hæmingr (unknown in any other source). Hundingr sent men to Helgi's foster-father Hagal to search for Helgi but Helgi hid by dressing as a female servant working with the mill.
Helgi managed to escape to a warship after which he killed Hundingr and earned his name Hundingsbane.
Helgi meets Sigrún[]
In the second section (containing stanzas 5 to 12), Helgi lay with his war party at Brunarvagar and had slaughtered some rustled cattle on the beach and were eating the meat raw. Then Sigrún, who was Sváfa reborn appeared, and introduced herself as the daughter of king Hǫgni.
Helgi has to challenge Hǫðbroddr[]
In the third section (containing stanzas 13 to 20), which is called the Old Völsung Lay, Sigrún's father had promised her to Hǫðbroddr, the son of king Granmarr.
Sigrún opposed the marriage and sought out Helgi, who was exhausted from a battle in which he had killed Hundingr's sons Eyjólfr, Álfr, Hjǫrvarðr and Hávarðr. The Valkyrie embraced him and kissed him, and Helgi promised her to fight against Granmarr and his sons.
Helgi assembled an army and invaded Granmarr's kingdom together with his brother Sinfjǫtli. They won the battle and Helgi could take Sigrún as his wife with whom he had sons.
Sinfjǫtli's and Guðmundr's flyting[]
A fifth section (stanzas 22 to 27) consists of a misplaced version of the flyting between Sinfjǫtli (Helgi's half-brother) and Guðmundr, which probably is older than the one found in Helgakviða Hundingsbana I.
Dagr kills Helgi and is cursed by Sigrún[]
In the seventh section (containing stanzas 28-37) Sigrún's brother Dagr, who had been spared by vowing allegiance to Helgi, sacrificed to Óðinn in the hope of getting revenge for Helgi's slaying of his father and brothers. Óðinn gave Dagr a spear with which Dagr pierced Helgi at a location called Fjǫturlundr. Dagr then returned to tell his sister of Helgi's death:
Trauðr em ek, systir, |
Sad am I, sister, |
Sigrún avenged her husband by placing on her brother the most horrible curse:
Þik skyli allir Skríði-at þat skip, Bíti-a þér þat sverð, |
Now may every The ship shall sail not The sword shall bite not |
Dagr was banished to live on carrion in the woods and Helgi was buried in a barrow. When Helgi had entered Valhǫll Óðinn asked Helgi to rule over the Einherjar together with himself. There is a stanza which Bellows interprets as a misplaced stanza on the conflict between Helgi and Hundingr, but others[3] interpret as Helgi oppressing Hunding in Valhǫll:
Þú skalt, Hundingr, |
Thou shalt, Hunding, |
Helgi's last visit[]

Sigrún waiting by Helgi's barrow
An eighth section (containing stanzas 39-50) deals with a short visit by Helgi from Valhǫll and his meeting with Sigrún in his barrow.
One evening, a maiden told Sigrún that she has seen Helgi ride with a large retinue into his own barrow, and so Sigrún went to the barrow in order to see Helgi. His hair were covered with frost, his body is sullied with blood and his hands were wet. He explained that it was because every tear she had shed had fallen wet and cold on him. In spite of this, she prepared the bed in his mound and they spent a night together.
Before day broke, Helgi had to return to Valhǫll. Sigrún returned home and spent the rest of her life waiting in vain for Helgi to return to his barrow one more time. She died early from the sorrow, but she would meet him in the next life when she was the Valkyrie Kára and he was Helgi Haddingjaskati.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Völsungakviða in forna (Helgakviða Hundingsbana II) at Heimskringla.no.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Translation by Bellows.
- ↑ E.g. by Alf Henrikson in Den stora mytologiska uppslagsboken (1998).
The Poetic Edda | |
Mythological poems | Vǫluspá • Hávamál • Vafþrúðnismál • Grímnismál • Skírnismál • Hárbarðsljóð • Hymiskviða • Lokasenna • Þrymskviða • Vǫlundarkviða • Alvíssmál • Baldrs draumar • Rígsþula • Hyndluljóð (Vǫluspá in skamma) • Svipdagsmál (Grógaldr • Fjǫlsvinnsmál) • Gróttasǫngr • Hrafnagaldr Óðins |
Heroic lays | Helgakviða Hundingsbana I • Helgakviða Hjǫrvarðssonar • Helgakviða Hundingsbana II • Frá dauða Sinfjǫtla • Grípisspá • Reginsmál • Fáfnismál • Sigrdrífumál • Brot af Sigurðarkviðu • Guðrúnarkviða I • Sigurðarkviða hin skamma • Helreið Brynhildar • Dráp Niflunga • Guðrúnarkviða II • Guðrúnarkviða III • Oddrúnargrátr • Atlakviða hin Grǿnlenzka • Atlamál in grǿnlenzku • Guðrúnarhvǫt • Hamðismál • Hlǫðskviða • Hervararkviða |
Later poems | Sólarljóð |
Manuscripts | Codex Regius • AM 748 I 4to • AM 738 4to • Hauksbók • Flateyjarbók • Codex Wormianus |