Greek cosmology
Greek cosmology is wide and depicts the universe and the world as having a limit both on it's sky and ground, the sky limit is known as Heaven of Heavens and it's opposite end, which lies beneath all the world, is the Underworld. The Heaven and any other realm above it, are sustained by the Pillars of Heaven while the Underworld and the rest of the world is hold together by the Pillars of Earth.
Locations in Greek cosmology[]
Earth and above:
- Earth: Known as Miðgarðr in Norse mythology, Earth is the central realm, place or location in Greek mythology, been the middle point between the Heavens, inhabited by the Olympian gods, and the Underworld.
- Firmament with the Stars: Location in which the stars, the sun, the planets and the constellations are located.
- Ocean of Heaven: Created and ruled by the Titans Oceanus and Thetys, it is a great river encircling the earth, which was believed to be a flat circle. This ocean was inhabited by nymphs known as the Oceanids, which were Oceanus' and Thetys' daughters, and the gods of all the streams on earth were their sons.
- Heaven of Heavens: The highest location in Greek cosmology.
- Pillars of Heaven: Supported by the titan Atlas, these pillars hold the heavens.
Under the Earth:
- Underworld: Also known as Hades, is the realm where the souls of the dead go and is ruled by Hades.
- Pillars of Earth: Also supported by Atlas, these pillars hold the Earth.
- Primeval Ocean: Cosmic ocean which surrounds the Earth and it's pillars.
- The Abyss: Also known as Tehom, below the primeval ocean and the pillars of Earth, scary monsters roam these dark scary seas.