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Myth and Folklore Wiki

Dievas (PBS: Deiwás) is the supreme Creator god of Baltic mythology and Is the creator of the universe and humanity. His powers have no limitations. He is the source of all good things, including peace, friendship, flowers and much more. He created humanity accidentally from the little flecks of dirt that fell while washing his face. His brother Velnias is not nearly so clever, and tends to stomp around being evil instead.

When Christianity came around, he was usually compared to the Christian God.



The name Dievas come from the Proto-Baltic *Deivas which is derived from Proto-Indo-European word Dyēus.

And by extension Dievas has conect with the vedic Dyaus, the greek Zeus, the roman Jupiter, the norse Týr, the slavic Rod, the celtic Dagda.


Dievas is the father of Perkunas the god of thunder and father in the law of Zemyna or Lauma.


When Christianity arrived in the Baltics countries, Dievas was compared with the Biblical god. In Christian sources, Dievas was said to manifest as an old man or an adult man (actually the word Dievas is used for the abrahmic god in the baltic countries).


Dievas was the king of the gods and the main god in the Baltic mythology, it is theorized that the cult of Dievas was pantheistic:

  • A supreme god as the center of universe.
  • That the others gods are a hypostasis of the one true god.
  • All deities of the Baltic pantheon just are a manifestion of Dievas.

Don´t exist evidence that contradicts the pantheistic theory, therefore the pagan baltics are to some extent monotheistic.


for his role as the most importan god in the Baltic pantheon Dievas, had many epithets in his honor.

  • Aukščiausiasis: the most higth (Dievas as the higth one)
  • Visagalis: Omnipoten god (Dievas as The Almighty)
  • Praamžis: The eternal (Dievas as who is endless)
  • Pondzejis: Lord god (Dievas the supreme God)

Presumably Dievas have more epithets, but is just a theory.
