Devas (also known as celestial beings or heavenly beings) are a type of spiritual force or being in the New Age movement, similar to angels, with a luminous and blissful nature, and various powers and abilities. The origin of the word "deva" comes from Sanskrit, meaning "shining one". According to some New Age sources, devas represent a separate evolution from that of humanity, and are responsible for the manifestation and maintenance of nature.
Devas are not eternal or immortal, but have a varying degree of consciousness and awareness depending on their level and function. They are not gods or deities, but rather expressions of the divine energy that pervades the universe, including human beings themselves.
Devas are classified into different types and orders according to their role and domain in nature. Some of the common types of devas are:
- Solar devas: These devas dwell in the sun or other stars, and are the source of light and heat for the planets. They are also called solar angels or solar spirits. They have a high degree of intelligence and creativity, and can communicate with humans who have activated their third eye. - Planetary devas: These devas oversee the evolution and harmony of a planet and its inhabitants. They are also called planetary angels or planetary spirits. They work with the solar devas and the human souls to guide them towards their spiritual potential. - Elemental devas: These devas control the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air, and their corresponding sub-elements. They are also called elementals or nature spirits. They include classes such as gnomes (earth), undines (water), salamanders (fire), sylphs (air), etc. They have a low degree of intelligence and awareness, and are mostly concerned with their own element. - Plant devas: These devas preside over the growth and development of plants and trees. They are also called plant spirits or plant fairies. They have a medium degree of intelligence and awareness, and can interact with humans who respect and love nature. - Animal devas: These devas govern the instincts and behaviors of animals and birds. They are also called animal spirits or animal totems. They have a medium degree of intelligence and awareness, and can influence humans who have a strong affinity with a certain animal species. - Human devas: These devas represent the higher self or soul of a human being. They are also called guardian angels or spirit guides. They have a high degree of intelligence and awareness, and can communicate with humans who have developed their intuition and psychic abilities.
Devas can be contacted by humans who have opened their third eye or developed their psychic abilities. Some methods of contacting devas are meditation, visualization, prayer, ritual, chanting, etc. Devas can offer guidance, healing, protection, inspiration, etc. to humans who seek their help. However, devas cannot interfere with the free will or karma of humans, and cannot grant any wishes that are against the divine plan or the highest good of all.