Danaus was the son of king Belus of Libya. He frequently feuded with his brother Aegyptus. He fled to Argos, where he became king, succeeding his fourth cousin Gelanor.
He had 50 daughters, who married the 50 sons of Aegyptus. He instructed his daughter to kill their husbands on the wedding night. All obeyed but Hypermnestra, who spared her husband Lynceus because he respected her wish to remain a virgin at the time. The 49 daughters were punished in Tartarus by being forced to use water jugs to fill a bath with a hole at the bottom.
Through Hypermnestra, Danaus was the grandfather of Abas and thus ancestor to kings of Argos and Mycenae.
Preceded by: Gelanor |
King of Argos Mythic |
Succeeded by Lynceus |