Myth and Folklore Wiki


This page concerns the various views on the creation of Eve across traditions.

See: Adam and Eve

 The Creation of Eve in Genesis[]

Even after naming all of the animals, no suitable helper for Adam was found. God saw that Adam was lonely, and sought to ease Adam's loneliness by causing Adam to fall into a deep sleep. While he was asleep, God fashioned a woman out of one of his ribs.[1] Adam awoke and named the woman "Woman," which in Hebrew also means wife. By naming Woman, Adam was able to name himself, calling himself "Man," which in Hebrew also means "Husband." This moment is expressed in a poem:

"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman,'
 for she was taken out of man."
-Genesis, Ch. 2, Vs. 23 (NIV Translation)[2]

The story of the creation of Eve from Adam is an explanation for love and marriage. The idea is that, as Adam was split apart into Adam and Eve, the two parts of an original whole long to be reunited:[3]

"That is why a man leaves his father and mother
and is united to his wife,
and they become one flesh. A
dam and his wife were both naked, 
and they felt no shame."
-Genesis, Ch. 2, Vs. 24, 25 (NIV Translation)[4]

