This category contains all Roman deities considered among the primagenera, which are listed at the bottom of the page.
The Primagenera (Greek: Protogenoi) referred to the original or primordial deities in Roman mythology. They often represented a a specific force of nature, and had dominion over it.
Primagenera and their personifications[]
- Janus (entrances, beginnings, sun)
- Diana (exits, ends, magic, moon)
- Chaos (the void, creation, destruction, air)
- Caligo (primordial mist)
- Nox (night)
- Dies (day)
- Erebus (darkness)
- Ether (upper air, light)
- Terra (the Earth)
- Caelus (the sky)
- Mare (the sea)
- Oceanus (river Oceanus, and fresh water)
- Tartarus (the Netherworld)
- Pontus (the sea)
- Saturn (time)
- Necessitas (necessity)
- Natura (nature)
- Amor (procreation)
- Phanes (procreation, life)-(usually equated with Amor)
- Hydros (Personification of Water)
- Thesis (Hydros' consort, repsresents motherly nature of the sea)
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