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Oedipus explains the riddle of the Sphinx

The Boeotians were a peoples of central Greece, to the north of Attica. They were ruled from Thebes and so were also called Thebans.



  1. Calydnus, son of Ouranos, first to fortify the city.
  2. Ogygus, son of Boeotus, son of Arne, daughter of Aeolus (son of Hellen), brought on the Ogygian Deluge


  1. Cadmus, son of King Agenor of Tyre, brought to Thebes in search of her sister Europa and husband of Harmonia (daughter of Aphrodite and Ares), father of Ino/Leucothea and Semele/Thyone, both of whom became goddesses in their own right. Ruler of Cadmeia
  2. Pentheus, maternal grandson of Cadmus (son of Agave)
  3. Polydorus, son of Cadmus


  1. Nycteus, father-in-law of Polydorus, regent for Labdacus
  2. Lycus, brother of Nycteus, regent for Labdacus

Cadmeids (Restored)[]

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Cadmus sows the teeth of the dragon he defeated

  1. Labdacus, son of Polydorus
  2. Lycus, brother of Nycteus, regent for Laius
  3. Laius, son of Labdacus, first rule
  4. Amphion and Zethus, sons of Zeus and co-rulers of Thebes, erected the city's gates.
  5. Laius, son of Labdacus, married to Jocasta, second rule, killed by his son
  6. Creon. grandson of Pentheus (son of Menoeceus), brother of Jocasta, first rule
  7. Oedipus, son of Laius and Jocasta, married his mother and then blinded himself in shame, father of Antigone (betrothed to Haemon, son of Creon) and Ismene
  8. Creon. second rule and regent for Eteocles and Polynices
  9. Polynices, son of Oedipus and Jocasta, co-ruler with Eteocles
  10. Eteocles, son of Oedipus and Jocasta, co-ruler with Polynices before he killed the former in a war
  11. Creon, third rule and regent for Laodamas
  12. Lycus II, brief usurper, son of the first Lycus
  13. Laodamas, son of Eteocles
  14. Thersander, son of Polynices


  1. Peneleos, regent for Tisamenus

Cadmeids (Restored)[]

  1. Tisamenus, son of Thersander
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    Antigone buried the body of Polynices despite a decree from Creon making it illegal to do so (on the punishment of death)

  2. Autesion, son of Tisamenus

Peneleids (Restored)[]

  1. Damasthicon, grandson of Peneleos (son of Opheltes)
  2. Ptolomaeus, son of Damasthicon
  3. Xanthos, son of Ptolomaeus, killed by King Melanthus of Athens
