This page contains even more pictures for the Baldr (Old Norse: /ˈbɑldz̠/) page, organized by what media the image is associated with.
Mythology and folklore[]
Icelandic manuscripts[]
Death of Baldr by George Wright.
Balders Død (1779) by Peter Cramer.
Gesta Danorum[]
Faroe stamps[]
Modern arts[]
Baldr by Alexander Kovyazin.
TV series[]
Cartoons and comics[]
Balder as depicted in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
Baldr in Twilight of the Gods
Educational manhwa[]
Anime and manga[]
Hræsvelgr Baldr, one of the God Warriors in Saint Seiya: Soul of Gold.
Video games[]
Cover art of Kamigami no Asobi featuring Balder Hringhorni.
Balder Hringhorni in Kamigami no Asobi.
Balder as the Masked Lumen in Bayonetta 2.
Young Balder in Bayonetta 2.
Baldur in the Shin Megami Tensei series
Baldr in Assassin's Creed Valhalla
The Norse Gods and Goddesses (Intro.)
Snorri's Lists of Gods and Goddesses
Baldrs draumar -'Baldur's Dreams'-
Baldr Real Meaning- Translation, Attestations and Theories of Norse Gods-Deities
Devotional- Bealdor, Bældæg