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Jason and the Argonauts

Jason and the Argonauts

The Argonauts were a team (often called a band) of adventurers and heroes commanded by the heir to the throne of Iolcos, Jason. They were first assembled by Jason to aid him in his quest to retrieve the Golden Fleece in order to restore him to the throne of Iolcus instead of his uncle Pelias. Their name derives from the ship they sailed on; the Argo.

Lorenzo Costa 001

The Argo


Accounts and lists of members vary as the illustrious privilege of having an Argonaut ancestor enhanced the pedigrees of many families.

250px-Argo Navis Hevelius

The constellation Argo Navis

Crew Sources Abode Parentage and Notes
Names Apollonius Pseudo-Apollodorus Argonautica Orphica
Beginning of Journey
Acastus Pherae or Iolcus son of Pelias and Anaxibia or Phylomache; he joined the Argonauts as a volunteer and at his own accord
Actor Pellene, Peloponnesus son of Hippasus
Admetus Pherae son of Pheres and Periclymene; his flocks they say were pastured by Apollo
Aethalides Larissa, Thessaly son of Hermes and Eupolemeia
Amphiaraus Argos son of Oicles and Hypermnestra; *he could fit the description of Hyginus "...Thestius' daughter, an Argive." which could be interpreted as Amphiaraus, son of Oicles and Hypermnestra, Thestius' daughter and an Argive.
Amphidamas or Iphidamas Tegea, Arcadia son of Aleus and Cleobule
Amphion Pellene, Peloponnesus son of Hyperasius and Hypso or of Hippasus
Ancaeus Parthenia or Samos son of Poseidon and Astypalaea or Althaea
Ancaeus Tegea, Arcadia son of Lycurgus and Eurynome or Cleophyle; he went clad in the skin of a Maenalian bear and wielded a huge two-edged battleaxe
Areius Argos son of Bias and Pero
Argus Argos son of Arestor or Polybus and Argia or Danaus; builder of Argo
Armenus Armenium, Thessaly -
Ascalaphus Orchomenus son of Ares and Astyoche; later one of the Suitors of Helen and led the Orchomenians in the Trojan War.
Asclepius Tricca son of Apollo and Coronis or Arsinoe
Asterion or Asterius Peiresiae, Thessaly son of Cometes and Antigona or of Hyperasius; he was probably conflated by Hyginus with Asterius below when saying Asterion as the son of Hyperasius.
Asterius or Asterion or Deucalion Pellene, Peloponnesus son of Hyperasius and Hypso or of Hippasus; in the account of Valerius, Deucalion was the name of the brother of Amphion instead of Asterius.
Atalanta Arcadia daughter of Schoeneus or Iasus; Atalanta is included on the list by Pseudo-Apollodorus, but Apollonius claims that Jason forbade her because she was a woman and could cause strife in the otherwise all-male crew. Other sources state that she was asked, but refused.
Augeas Pisa, Elis son of Helios and Nausidame, or Eleios, or Poseidon or Phorbas and Hyrmine
Azorus - the helmsman of Argo according to Hesychius of Alexandria he could be the same as the Azorus mentioned by Stephanus as founder of the city Azorus in Pelagonia.
Buphagus - -
Butes Athens (Cecropia) son of Coronus
Caeneus Gyrton son of Coronus
Calaïs Thrace son of Boreas and Oreithyia
Canthus Chalcis or Cerinthus, Euboea son of Canethus or Abas; *name appeared in some notes of the book
Castor Sparta son of Tyndareus or Zeus and Leda
Cepheus Tegea, Arcadia son of Aleus and Cleobule
Cius - -
Clymenus Phylace, Thessaly possibly son of Phylacus and Clymene as the brother of Iphiclus
Clytius Oechalia son of Eurytus and Antiope
Coronus Thessaly son of Caeneus
Deucalion Crete son of Minos and Pasiphae
Echion Alope son of Hermes and Antianeira or Laothoe
Eneus son of Caeneus
Erginus Miletus, Caria son of Poseidon
Eribotes Opus son of Teleon
Erytus or Eurytus Alope son of Hermes and Antianeira or Laothoe
Euphemus Taenarus, Peloponesse son of Poseidon and Europe
Euryalus Argos son of Mecisteus
Eurydamas Ctimene, Dolopia son of Ctimenus or of Irus and Demonassa
Eurymedon Phlius son of Dionysus and Ariadne
Eurytion Opus son of Irus and Demonassa or Actor
Glaucus - -
Heracles Thebes son of Zeus and Alcmene
Hippalcimus Pisa, Elis son of Pelops and Hippodamia
Hylas Oechalia or Argos son of Theiodamas and Menodice
Ialmenus Orchomenus son of Ares and Astyoche
Idas Messenia son of Aphareus and Arene
Idmon Argos son of Apollo or Abas or by Cyrene or Antianeira or of Asteria or of Ampycus
Iolaus Argos son of Iphicles and Automedusa
Iphiclus Phylace, Thessaly son of Phylacus and Clymene
Iphiclus Aetolia son of Thestius and Leucippe
Iphis Mycenae son of Sthenelus
Iphis Argos son of Alector
Iphitos Oechalia son of Eurytus and Antiope
Iphitos Phocis or Peloponnesse son of Naubolus or Hippasus
Jason Iolcus son of Aeson and Alcimede
Laërtes son of Arcesius and Chalcomedusa father of Odysseus
Laocoon Calydon son of Porthaon and half-brother of Oeneus; tutor of Meleager
Leitus Boeotia son of Alector (Alectryon) and Polybule or of Lacritus and Cleobule or an earthborn, thus a son of Gaea
Leodocus or Laodocus Argos son of Bias and Pero
Lynceus Messenia son of Aphareus and Arene
Melampus Pylos son of Poseidon
Meleager Calydon son of Oeneus and Althaea
Menoetius Opus son of Actor
Mopsus Titaressa son of Ampyx and Chloris or Aregonis
Nauplius Nauplia son of Clytoneus or of Poseidon and Amymone
Neleus Pylos son of Poseidon or Hippocoon
Nestor Pylos son of Neleus and Chloris
Oileus Narycea, Opus son of Hodoedocus (Leodocus) and Agrianome
Orpheus Bistonian Pieria, Thrace son of Calliope and Oeagrus
Palaemon or Palaimonius Olenus, Aulis or Calydon son of Hephaestus or Lernus or Aetolus
Peleus Phthia son of Aeacus and Endeis. Father of Achilles
Peneleos Boeotia son of Hippalmus and Asterope
Periclymenus Pylos son of Chloris and Neleus, son of Poseidon
Phalerus Athens, Attica son of Alcon
Phanus Crete son of Dionysus and Ariadne
Philoctetes Meliboea son of Poeas and Methone or Demonassa
Phlias Araethyrea, Phlius son of Dionysus and Ariadne
Phocus Magnesia son of Caeneus and brother of Priasus
Pirithous Larissa son of Ixion or Zeus by Dia
Poeas Meliboea son of Thaumacus and father of Philoctetes
Pollux Sparta son of Zeus and Leda
Polyphemus Larisa son of Elatus and Hippea; one of the Lapiths
Priasus Magnesia son of Caeneus and brother of Phocus
Staphylus Phlius or Crete son of Dionysus and Ariadne
Talaus Argos son of Bias and Pero
Telamon Salamis son of Aeacus and Endeis. Father of Ajax the Great and Teucer
Thersanon Andros son of Helios and Leucothea/Leucothoe
Theseus Troezen son of Poseidon or Aegeus by Aethra; slayer of the Minotaur; other Theseus myths preclude his joining the Argonauts
Tiphys Thespia, Boeotia or Elis son of Hagnias or of Phorbas and Hyrmine
Tydeus Calydon son of Oeneus and father of Diomedes
Zetes Thrace son of Boreas and Oreithyia
TOTAL 55 46 51
During or After the Journey
Argus Colchis sons of Phrixus and Chalciope; they joined the crew only after being rescued by the Argonauts: the four had been stranded on a desert island not far from Colchis, from where they initially sailed with an intent to reach their father's homeland. However, Argus is not to be confused with the other Argus, son of Arestor or Polybus, constructor and eponym of the ship Argo and member of the crew from the beginning.
Autolycus Thessaly sons of Deimachus
Demoleon or Deileon
Medea Colchis daughter of Aeetes; joined when the Fleece was recovered
