Anu (/ˈɑːnʊ/), is the ancient Mesopotamian god personifying the sky.
Diferents Anus[]
In the Sumerian cosmology Anu was both the son and consort of Nammu and brother but also consort of Ki, and father of many gods being some examples Enlil, Enki, Adad and many others.
In the Hittite mythology Anu was capture by Kumarbi and the latter eats Anu' genitals, and the result was Teshup's birth.
Exist a celtic goddess of the waters that call Anu, but don´t exist no connection between both Anus.
Anu has his origin in the Sumerian word An that mean Sky or Heaven in Sumerian, Anu also mean sky or heaven but in Arcadian and some Indo-European languages (more specifically in Anatolian origin).
In Old Norse Anu mean "ancestor" or "forefather".
Consorts and Offspring of Anu[]
With Nammu:
- Enki (in Eridu)
With Ki:
- Enlil
- Gibil
with Urash:
- Amurru
- Bau
- Adad (Some versions)
- Lugalbanda
- Ninkarrak
With Antu:
In popular culture[]
- In the video game franchise Diablo exist a character based on God called Anu.
- Anu is a minor character in Marvel comics.
- In the Card Game mitos y leyendas, Anu is a character from this game.