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Myth and Folklore Wiki
Aetolia map

A map of Aetolia

200px-Oineus Staatliche Antikensammlungen 1905

King Oeneus, husband of Althaea

The Aetolians were the people of Aetolia, which was in western Greece. Their capital city was Calydon.

Rulers in Greek Mythology[]


  1. Aetolus, son of Protogeneia (daughter of Deucalion and Pyrrha) and Zeus, or Endymion and Asterodia
  2. Calydon, son of Aetolus, husband of Aeolia
  3. Pleuron, son of Aetolus, husband of Xanthippe
  4. Agenor, son of Pleuron, married to Epicaste, daughter of Calydon
  5. Thestius, son of Agenor and Epicaste, father of Althaea and Leda, father-in-law of Oeneus and Tyndareus , King of Sparta
  6. Porthaon, son of Agenor and Epicaste
  7. Oeneus, son of Porthaon, married to Althaea, father of Gorge, Deianeira (second wife of Heracles), Tydeus (father of Diomedes) and Meleager (hero of the Hunt for the Calydonian Boar)
  8. Agrius, son of Porthaon, deposed Oeneus and deposed by Diomedes who restored his grandfather, Oeneus
  9. Second reign of Oeneus


  1. Andraemon, husband of Gorge and son-in-law of Oeneus and Althaea
  2. Thoas, son of Andraemon, who led the Aetolians in the Trojan War