*Pria was the name of a possible Proto-Indo-European goddess of sex, beauty, love and possibly of war, her role was similar to Aphrodite, Venus and Freyja.
*Pria´s parents are a mystery in the PIE cosmogony, but using her descendants, her father could be Dyēus or Wérunos.
In Homer's Theogony; Aphrodite was born from the union of a God (Zeus) and a Goddess (Dione), both gods are descendants of Dyēus, so it's possible that *Pria was a daughter of Dyēus.
But in Hesiod's cosmogony; Aphrodite was formed out of Uranus´s blood, the Zoroastrian Goddess Anahita is an ahura created by Ahura Mazda, who was identified with Aphrodite by the Greeks, curiously both Uranus and Ahura Mazda has their origins in the Proto-Indo-European night god Wérunos. In this case *Pria could also be the daughter of Wérunos in a hypothetical alternative version of the Proto-Indo-European myth.
Using the Greek Aphrodite and the Roman Venus, *Pria presumably had a consort; either the Indo-European smith god, Martus (the Indo-European God of War), or Dyēus.
But in Zoroastrianism, Anahita is the consort of Mithra, it may be then that *Pria could have had a Solar deity as her consort.
Based on her Greco-Roman descendants; *Pria could be the mother of a hypothetical unreconstructable love god, the predecessor of Eros and Cupid, additionally if we use her male Norse descendant Freyr, *PriHyéh₂ can be the mother of a demigod that will be a possible predecessor of Fjolnir.
Goddess of War?[]
Although some of *Pria's descendants are not war deities, ironically though there exists evidence of a warrior *Pria, because in Sparta, Aphrodite was represented with the classical weapons of Sparta, also the Norse Freyja was a war goddess, this can connect *Pria with both Athena and Minerva, curiously many descendants of *Pria were equated with some Semitic goddess like Astarte and Ishtar, so it's very possible that *Pria's figure has her origin in a possible proto-Afro-asiatic goddess of sex and war or the Sumerian Inanna.
Male Equivalent[]
*Pria's male equivalent is the Greco-Roman Priapus, Norse Freyr, Hindu Vanaspati, and the Polabian Pripegala.
As a day[]
Both the English Friday and its Spanish equivalent Viernes comes from *Pria, Friday has its origin in Frigga´s day (Frigga is a Norse/Germanic Goddess that is identified in sometimes with Freyja, who is the female descent of *Pria), and Viernes comes from dies Veneris (Venus Day).
*Pria like other Proto-Indo-European Gods leave a legacy in Christianity too, the characteristics of Aphrodite and Venus are used in the art to represent the Virgin Mary.
The Slavic Saint Paraskeva Friday that is Venerated in Folk Orthodoxy, etymologically has her origins on *Pria.